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Date modified April 14, 2013, 11:38 a.m. Dec. 29, 2011, 5:27 p.m.
See alsos [<ExternalResource: ''A Print from Johnny Fawkner's Press' 1902, woodcut 15.4 x 15.4 cm (ML copy SSV*PRI 3), Lone Hand (source unconfirmed)', A print from Johnny Fawkner's press / Brings thoughts to gentle minds unbidden / If Johnny then had printed less / Should we be now so hard press-ridden.>, <ExternalResource: ''The Poet' (a `Bohemian' to illustrate Victor Daley's verses, Lone Hand, 1 June 1907', His grey wife labored sick and cold / Dreaming of bread his children slept / And o'er the woe of Queen Isold / The poet wept and wept and wept.>, <ExternalResource: Marshall, Stephen (2013), 'The Watercolours of Blamire Young’, Sydney, New South Wales: Meridian.>] [<ExternalResource: ''A Print from Johnny Fawkner's Press' 1902, woodcut 15.4 x 15.4 cm (ML copy SSV*PRI 3), Lone Hand (source unconfirmed)', A print from Johnny Fawkner's press / Brings thoughts to gentle minds unbidden / If Johnny then had printed less / Should we be now so hard press-ridden.>, <ExternalResource: ''The Poet' (a `Bohemian' to illustrate Victor Daley's verses, Lone Hand, 1 June 1907', His grey wife labored sick and cold / Dreaming of bread his children slept / And o'er the woe of Queen Isold / The poet wept and wept and wept.>]