Field |
This Version |
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Date modified |
June 22, 2012, 6:09 p.m.
June 22, 2012, 5:10 p.m.
Residences |
- 1926 - 1939 Chicago, IL, USA
- 1946 Pittsburgh, USA
- 1947 Burbank, California, USA
- 1948 - 2003 Brisbane, Qld
- 1945 - 1948 Burbank, California, USA
- 1948 - 2003 Brisbane, Qld
Other occupations |
- (ANZSIC code: 760) c.1942 - c.1945 United States Navy, Pacific
- (ANZSIC code: 760) c.1942 - c.1945 United States Military, Pacific
Tags |
- Studio potter
- Stoneware
- Porcelain
- Japanese influence
- American servicemen in Australia
- Impact of Bernard Leach
- Domestic ware
- Studio potter
- Stoneware
- Porcelain
- Japanese influence
- American servicemen in Australia
- Impact of Bernard Leach
References |
[<ExternalResource: Jackie Menzies (24 April 1976), 'Project 13: The Calligraphic Image'.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Glenn R. (1986), 'Carl McConnell, master potter'.>, <ExternalResource: Hood, Kenneth, Thompson, Douglas & Garnsey, Wanda (1972). Australian pottery. Macmillan, South Melbourne, Vic>]
[<ExternalResource: Jackie Menzies (24 April 1976), 'Project 13: The Calligraphic Image'.>, <ExternalResource: Cooke, Glenn R. (1986), 'Carl McConnell, master potter'.>]
Trainings |
- Fine Arts, 1935 - 1939 Art Institute of Chicago, IL, USA
- Ceramics, 1948 - 1951 Brisbane Central Technical College, Brisbane, Qld.