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Dr. Catherine Fisher (B.A (Vis. Arts) 1988,Sydney University; Grad. Dip.Ed, 1989, Sydney University; M.Ed.C.A.1993 University NSW; LLB, 1998, University of Wollongong; Grad.Dip.Leg.Prac. 1999 University of Wollongong. Doctor od Creative Arts 2019 USQ. Catherine is a Visual Artist, Educator, Photographer, Researcher and Lawyer. With over forty years experience, she has produced peer reviewed academic treatises & publications on arts, law and education.
Solicitor & Barrister of NSW Sup. Ct., she is a legal author and researcher of many arts/artist- related publications & Technical Advisor To ATO; Public Rulings Board; Commonwealth Ministers/Parliamentary Senate Estimates Committees.
Her motivations for research, exegetical components and exhibition works focus on the dynamics and interactions between photography, youth arts, Egyptology, jewellery, fibre arts, art history, law and education. Each area has played a significant role in shaping her work experiences and persona.
She studies the passage of art traditions, processes, nature and technology – technique and innovation.
Catherine also has an interest in human rights/arts law, and how they relate to the pursuit and processes of art. (e.g. Child exploitation in art processes). She investigates political aspects of visual arts and the differing forms and needs of art expression throughout history – Historical censorship of art forms, graffiti, beauty and the sublime – contemporary thought versus ancient tradition.
She has a private studio and library in Sydney. Her network of peers and colleagues in visual art, law, education and archaeology encourage discourse, support and critique. National winner “Earth Week” Photographic Competition. Joint & solo exhibitor. Collaborator – “Day in the Life of Australia”,1981 ISBN-10: 0002151677. Contributor/Designer/Colophon/Visual Images & Photography/Book editor For Nola Fisher (Author) – ‘For Some Reason’ (Winner Kibble Literary Award For Women Writers – Inaugural Dobbie Award Recipient 1994).
‘Part Of A Journey 1926-1946: An Australian Autobiography’ Copy Master, S.A. 1997. ISBN NO. 0646290258.
‘Journeying On 1947-1997: An Australian Autobiography’ Copy Master, S.A. 1998. ISBN NO. 0646342584.
‘All Seasons: A Collection Of Australian Short Stories And Poems’ Copy Master, S.A. 1999. ISBN NO. 0909497990.
Visual artworks held in State Library NSW; Westpac Private collections & Westpac Museum; Australian Museum; Private collections – Australia; Dubai, Britain; Mexico Switzerland; Japan & Canada.
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Date modified | July 28, 2023, 8:41 p.m. | Dec. 17, 2019, 11:14 p.m. |