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See also

  • 1983 Fine Art Photography “Americas Cup” Published Playboy Magazine (Aust. & U.S.).
  • 1980-1987 Multiple Photographic Works Published – (magazine form) Sydney Morning Herald & Technical Aids For Disabled Magazine. Multiple Photographic Works Published Westpac Bank Museum, The Rocks Sydney.
  • 1986-1987 Documentary Photographic Works published (magazine & poster form) - Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Honorary - held by RSA
  • 1980 – 1988 Multiple Photographic Works – ‘Changes’ Magazine’ –Westpac Banking Corporation In-House Publications (print media - books, posters, annual reports video media (tv commercial stills), editorial and Archival works.
  • 1988 – Collaborator /contributor “Day In The Life Of Australia” Book Publication – Rick Smolen Joint Editor.
  • 1989 – “Bicentennial Project” (Book) – Contributor - Fine art photographic work published p. 54.
  • FORUMS/SYMPOSIA/PRESENTATIONS NSW UNIVERSITY MASTERS SYMPOSIA AUGUST & OCTOBER 1993: Paper presented 8-8-93 - ‘Bringing 3-D Sculpture/Jewellery Into The (Ideal) Classroom’. Paper presented 8-10-93 - ‘School Sponsorship: A Necessary Evil’. 1993 – Solo Mixed Media Exhibitor – Paper presented/Presentation & Installation ‘The Aesthetic Attitude’- University of NSW (24-5-93). 2009 – Solo Guest Speaker - Sutherland Shire Spinners And Weavers Forum. 2010 - Co-Judge Visual Arts – Oyster Bay Arts Festival. 2011 – 2012 Joint Exhibitor – Yandiah NSW. 2010-2012 Treasurer Sutherland Shire Spinners and Weavers. 2013-present Public Officer SSSW.
  • RESEARCH HISTORY VISUAL ARTS 1974 – 1977 Undergraduate Papers – Graphic Design National Art School – Sydney College of the Arts. 1987-88 Undergraduate Papers & Dissertation – Photography & Jewellery. CREATIVE ARTS EDUCATION 1989 & 1993 - Post Graduate & Masters Papers – Dissertations. LAW 1997 – 1999 Undergraduate And Post Graduate Papers & Research Dissertations
  • SELECTED DISSERTATIONS VISUAL ARTS 20,000 WORD RESEARCH - UNPUBLISHED/PEER REVIEWED dissertation accompanying studio practice (Photography). & 15,000 word research dissertation accompanying studio practice (Jewellery). TITLES/CHAPTER EXCERPTS unavailable. EDUCATION 80,000 WORD PUBLISHED/PEER REVIEWED RESEARCH/DISSERTATION - MASTER OF EDUCATION CREATIVE ARTS ‘VISUAL ARTS EDUCATORS: ATTITUDES, BELIEFS AND OPINIONS’. 1993. CHAPTER EXCERPT – ‘Empirical and action based research - Significance of the Study - …An inherent essential condition for the successful education of students in various art forms is effective organization, both human and physical, in schools. The research will explore the frameworks that exist in art education, and plot the effectiveness of organisation within secondary schools. The aim is to provide visual art teachers with an avenue of response to issues that concern them, also perceived developments that may occur in their teaching methodologies and practice. The result of this research could become the catalyst for new concepts and directions for professional development and organizational skills in the Visual Arts. Prospective studies could focus more closely on one particular issue suggested in this more broadly bases research…’ 30,000 WORD PEER REVIEWED RESEARCH DISSERTATIONS LAW ‘LAWS AFFECTING THE CHILD IN AN INSTITUTIONAL SETTING: A PARENTAL PERSPECTIVE ON ABUSE AND VIOLENCE’. 1998. CHAPTER EXCERPT – ‘…Choosing the field of education law was the first consideration for the researcher. As an educator and parent, and now a student of law, the researcher had first hand knowledge of the range of backgrounds and experiences children have, and the diversity and interesting opinions and attutudes parents and educators have of legal issues pertaining to the child. G.R. Burroughs states that attitudes were “…all pervasive and can be expressed towards anything which impinges upon us, other individuals or groups, institutions, behaviours...” This descriptive inquiry endevours to answer questions about the existing state of affairs, in the form of literature analysis and parental interviews to give parents (and indirectly educators and lawyers) a better understanding as to how they value their roles in preventing abuse and violence towards children… Based on the results the researcher concluded that consideration needed to be given to extend parental knowledge of laws which impact on their children. Implications of this project indicated action such as: , and increased communication and understanding of parental encouragement and participation of parents in decisions which affect their child; an increase in community involvement to access and development of school policy and legislation relating to children in a school environment. ‘… interest in children’s issues has been given added political impetus by the passing of the Children (Care and Protection) Act 1987 and the Commonwealth Governments ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Human Rights of the Child in 1992. Both of these reforms aim to provide better safeguards for children and to protect them from abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation, but no amount of tinkering with the legal system, or child protection systems will solve these problems, which above all are all the result of much wider social causes…’
  • SELECTED TREATISES - PEER REVIEWED - VISUAL ARTS/EDUCATION/LAW (hardcopies held) ‘Database Design For Visual Arts Education’ - 30-8-93; ‘Teaching With Computers: Intergrating Computing Into Visual Arts Education’ - 12-10-93; ‘Countering Sexism In Schools: Are Single-Sexed Schools The Answer?’ -25-10-93; ‘Can We Justify Arts Education As Asthetic Education In Schools, And So Establish Goals And Content As Part Of A Common Curriculum?’ Nd; ‘Installation, Space And The New Environment’ Nd.; ‘Action/Actionism’ Nd’; ‘Semiotics/Semiology’ Nd.’ ‘Conceptual Art’ Nd, and ‘Kitsch And The Modern Visual Arts World: ‘The Art Of Art Appropriation’ Nd. ‘Art Diary – Art Product’ - 1-11-93; ‘Document Analysis: Inseparable Partners: School Restructuring And Professional Development’ Nd; ‘Minimalism’ Nd.; ‘Native Art’ Nd.; ‘Feminism In Art’ Nd;. ‘The Significance of Discretion in the Criminal Process’ – 28-4-97; ‘Perpetuities’ – 1-5-97; ‘Perspectives of Law: Textual/Discourse analysis’ – 8-8-97; ‘Disharmonies Between Science and Law’ – 13-10-97; ‘An Explanation & Critical assessment of Legal Positivism’ – 4-9-98; ‘Can Pornography In Art be Justified in Terms of the Harm Principle? Does the Law Regulate Women’s Sexuality by Upholding Public Morality over Individual Rights? – 6-11-98 (10,000 words); & ‘The Concept of Professionalism in Arts Law’ – 18-9-98 (10,000 words).
  • 1993 - LITERATURE REVIEWS BY C. FISHER – UNPUBLISHED Gillespie, P. P. Theatre Education And Hirsch’s Contextualism Journal Of Aesthetic Education, 24, 1 Spring 1990, 31-47 Read Herbert. Art Through Education. New York: Pantheon Books Inc. 1958. Hirsch, E. E. Jr. Reflections On Cultural Literacy And Arts Education. Journal Of Aesthetic Education, 24, 1, Spring 1990. Smith, R. A. An Excellence Curriculum For Arts Education Journal Of Aesthetic Education, 21, 4, Winter 1987, 51-61. 1993 - WRITTEN CRITIQUES BY C. FISHER - UNPUBLISHED ‘Culture And Policy’ Vol. 2,2, And Vol. 2,3, 1990-1 - 31- 5- 93 ‘Youth Attitudes To The Arts’, Emerson, M. Et Al New York: 1989 Pantheon Books Inc. 1-8-93.
  • MISCELLANEOUS PUBLISHED WORKS CONTRIBUTOR/ DESIGNER/COLOPHON/VISUAL IMAGES & PHOTOGRAPHY/BOOK EDITOR For Nola Fisher (Author) – ‘For Some Reason’ (Winner Kibble Literary Award For Women Writers – Inaugural Dobbie Award Recipient 1994). ‘Part Of A Journey 1926-1946: An Australian Autobiography’ Copy Master, S.A. 1997. ISBN NO. 0646290258. ‘Journeying On 1947-1997: An Australian Autobiography’ Copy Master, S.A. 1998. ISBN NO. 0646342584. ‘All Seasons: A Collection Of Australian Short Stories And Poems’ Copy Master, S.A. 1999. ISBN NO. 0909497990. 2000 – 2010 LEGAL AUTHOR/TAXATION RESEARCHER – Numerous Tax Publications , - As Legal researcher : Special Professionals (Artists) - Australian Taxation Office. Public & Private Rulings/Technical Advisor To ATO & Public Rulings Board. Technical /Legal Author And Advisor To Commonwealth Ministers/Parliamentary Senate Estimates Committee. 2009 – PRESENT Multiple visual artworks (fibre works) published on: (this site designed, published and maintained by C. Fisher) Website - ‘Ravelry’ – Educator, Contributor And Mediator of Fibre/Wearable Arts. Website - ‘Red Bubble’ – Contributor. Website - Design and Art Australia Online – (DAAO) Contributing Artist. 2010-12 Treasurer 2013 TO PRESENT Public Officer Website Designer - Sutherland Shire Spinners & Weavers Inc. Secretary, Editor & Website Designer/coordinator Port Hacking Lapidary Club.
  • PROFESSIONAL ACTVITIES/DESIGN & STUDIO PRACTICE Catherine Fisher has more than 40 years experience in the arts in Australia. She has practiced fine art and commercial photography since 1974 - has taught Visual Arts at Secondary school, jewellery in adult education, and lectured in Visual Arts and art history at NSW University. Her academic and studio practice now explore ancient and modern aspects of Fine Art, lapidary/jewellery & craft /art techniques & fibre arts. 1973 - PRESENT – Studio Practice: Fine Art (printmaking, sculpture, drawing and painting) & Photography; Surface & Jewellery Design And Construction; Lapidary And Gem Faceting; Enameller, Weaver/Fibre And Wearable, Visual Artist. 1999 TO PRESENT Solicitor and Barrister Supreme Court NSW – sole trader (legal practice) – private consultant intellectual property/fine arts/crafts/architecture industries. Member Southern Printmakers; Southern Fibre Artists, and Law Society NSW
  • RESEARCH INTERESTS Catherine has produced academic treatises & publications on arts, law and education. Her motivations for research, exegetical components and exhibition works focus on the dynamics and interactions between Visual Art, photography, youth arts, Egyptology, jewellery, fibre arts, art history, law & education. Each area has played a significant role in shaping her work experiences and persona. She hopes to pass on her varied expertise to future generations. She studies the passage of art traditions, processes, nature and technology - technique and innovation. Catherine also has an interest in human rights/arts law, and how they relate to the pursuit and processes of art. (Child exploitation in art processes). She investigates political aspects of visual arts and the differing forms and needs of art expression throughout history – Historical censorship of art forms, graffiti, beauty and the sublime – contemporary thought versus ancient tradition. She has a large private studio. Monetary and library resources are available to support her endeavours. She has a network of peers and colleagues in visual art, law, education and archaeology who will encourage discourse, support and critique.
  • TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1989-1997 - Secondary School Visual Arts Teacher – NSW Department Of School Education (4 Students Selected For Art Express). 1989 TO PRESENT - Seminar Presenter/Workshop Educator/Facilitator – Port Hacking Lapidary Club. 1990 – Educator/Facilitator – Art/Craft Classes For Children & Youth - P & O Cruises. 1994 – University Lecturer Visual Arts /Adult Education - New South Wales University. 2009 - TO PRESENT – Seminar Presenter/Workshop Educator/Facilitator - Fibre Arts Como School Of Arts. Ravelry Website – Fibre Arts/Wearable Arts Educator/Moderator. 2010 – TO PRESENT Jewellery Educator/tutor - Port Hacking Lapidary Club. Fibre Arts Educator/tutor - Sutherland Shire Spinners And Weavers. Judge & Statistics Co-coordinator - Gem And Lapidary Council NSW Inc
  • 2000 – 2010 LEGAL AUTHOR/TAXATION RESEARCHER – Numerous Tax Publications , - As Legal researcher : Special Professionals (Artists) - Australian Taxation Office. Public & Private Rulings/Technical Advisor To Australian Taxation Office & Public Rulings Board. Technical /Legal Author And Advisor To Commonwealth Ministers/Parliamentary Senate Estimates Committee.
  • CONTRIBUTOR/ DESIGNER/COLOPHON/VISUAL IMAGES & PHOTOGRAPHY/BOOK EDITOR For Nola Fisher (Author) – ‘For Some Reason’ (Winner Kibble Literary Award For Women Writers – Inaugural Dobbie Award Recipient 1994). ‘Part Of A Journey 1926-1946: An Australian Autobiography’ Copy Master, S.A. 1997. ISBN NO. 0646290258. ‘Journeying On 1947-1997: An Australian Autobiography’ Copy Master, S.A. 1998. ISBN NO. 0646342584. ‘All Seasons: A Collection Of Australian Short Stories And Poems’ Copy Master, S.A. 1999. ISBN NO. 0909497990.

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Date modified July 15, 2013, 8:18 p.m. July 15, 2013, 8:11 p.m.
Related collections
  • State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW (collected in)
  • State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW (collected in)