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[<ExternalResource: O'Keeffe, M. (1966), ''Charles Archer' et al.', Australian Dictionary of Biography, ed. D. Pike, A. Shaw, M. Clark, B. Nairn, G. Serle and R. Ward, vol 1, Melbourne 1966-1976.>, <ExternalResource: Archer, T. (1897), 'Recollections of a Rambling Life', Yokohama.>, <ExternalResource: Russell, H. (1888), 'The Genesis of Queensland', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Steelel, J.G. (1975), 'Brisbane Town in Convict Days 1824 1842', Brisbane, Qld.>, <ExternalResource: Archer Brothers, 'Durandur Diary 1843 44', John Oxley Library, Queensland State Library, Brisbane, Qld.>, <ExternalResource: 'Archer Family Correspondence', Fryer Library, Queensland University, Brisbane, Qld.>, <ExternalResource: NSW Commissioner for Crown Lands (2001), 'Darling Downs Record Books', 08, 30, John Oxley Library, Queensland State Library, Brisbane, Qld.>, <ExternalResource: McDonald, Lorna (1999), 'Over Earth and Ocean: The Archers of Tolderodden and Gracemere', University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, Qld.>]