References |
[<ExternalResource: Jensen, E. and Jensen, R. (1980), 'Colonial Architecture in South Australia', Adelaide, South Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Darragh, T.A., 'Directory of nineteenth century engravers and lithographers working in Victoria', ms.>, <ExternalResource: Woodhouse, H. (1889), 'The Victorian pioneers of litho-drawing and engraving', La Trobe Collection, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, typescript.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Borrow, K.T.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Deakin, Edwina.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Thomson, Joyce A.>, <ExternalResource: (1852), Goodhugh's South Australian Almanac.>, <ExternalResource: (1854), Geelong Directory.>]