You are viewing the version of bio from Dec. 11, 2012, 10:55 a.m. (moderator approved).
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  • Butler, Roger; et al., National Gallery of Australia, Canberra website.

  • Information sourced from Germaine, Max.

  • Souter, Gavin (1981), 'Company of Heralds: a century and a half of Australian publishing by John Fairfax Limited and its predecessors, 1831-1981’, Carlton, Victoria: University of Melbourne Press, p.630 (esp. fn 256).

  • Australia: National Journal, Sydney, New South Wales: Ure Smith.

  • (1942), 'Australia Week-end Book [1]’, Sydney, New South Wales: Ure Smith.

  • Kenyon, Therese (ed.) (2001), 'The Studio Tradition: National Art School 1883-2001’, Manly Art Gallery and Museum catalogue, p 32.

  • (1943), 'Australia Week-end Book 2’, Sydney, New South Wales: Ure Smith.

Initial data sources

  • Black and white artists

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Related collections
  • National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT (collected in)
  • Manly Art Gallery and Museum, Manly, NSW (collected in)
  • Dixson Galleries, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW (collected in)
  • Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia (collected in)
  • National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT (collected in)
  • Manly Art Gallery and Museum, New South Wales (collected in)
  • Dixson Galleries, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW (collected in)
  • Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia (collected in)