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(National Library of Australia, on website).
Illustrated the cover of aMelbourne Savages’ Smoke Concert invitation. David M. Dow, Melbourne Savages: A history of the first fifty years of the Melbourne Savage Club; Melbourne: The Melbourne Savage Club, 1947, ill. p.81.
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References | [<ExternalResource: Nuttall, Charles (writer and illustrator) (1902), 'Representative Australians', Melbourne, Vic : McCarron Bird, apparently an offshoot of his opening of Parliament picture.>, <ExternalResource: (February 2008), 'Australiana', Australiana Society.>, <ExternalResource: Clifford-Smith, Silas (8 April 2008) 'Information sourced from'.>, <ExternalResource: Cook, David (1986), 'Picture postcards in Australia 1898-1920', Lilydale, Vic : Pioneer Design Studio.>, <ExternalResource: Dow, David M. (1947), 'Melbourne Savages : A history of the first fifty years of the Melbourne Savage Club', Melbourne, Vic : The Melbourne Savage Club.>, <ExternalResource: Mills, Carol (1991), 'Charles Nuttall (1872-1934) illustrator', Canberra, ACT : Lu Rees Archives Notes, Books and Authors (Canberra University Library), pp. 20-24.>, <ExternalResource: Moore, William (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art', Sydney, NSW : Angus and Robertson, 2 volumes, (facsimile reprint, 1980).>, <ExternalResource: Nuttall, Charles (1922), '"Black and White"', in A. Colquhoun (ed.), The Year Book of Victorian Art 1922-23, Melbourne, Vic : Alexander McCubbin.>, <ExternalResource: Serle, Percival (c.1949), 'Dictionary of Australian Biography : L to Z', Sydney, NSW : Angus & Robertson.>, <ExternalResource: Somerset, W. A. (1904), '"The Day's Work" Series : Painting the Test-Match Picture', Melbourne, Vic.: Life, 03-15.>, <ExternalResource: Nuttall, Charles (writer and illustrator) (c.1902), 'Peter Wayback Visits the Melbourne Cup', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Nuttall, Charles (writer and illustrator) (1933), 'Melbourne Town', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Lindesay, Vane (1979), 'The inked-in image : a social and historical survey of Australian comic art', Richmond, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia, p 129.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne Punch.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Bulletin.>, <ExternalResource: New York Herald.>, <ExternalResource: New York, NY, USA: The Century.>, <ExternalResource: New York, NY, USA: Harper's.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne, Vic.: New Idea.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne, Vic.: Life.>, <ExternalResource: Nuttall, Charles (1911), 'Nuttall's Xmas Annual', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Chomley, C.H. (1903), 'Tales of the Old Times', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Gunn, Jeannie (c.1912), 'The Little Black Princess', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Hughes, T. (1913), 'Tom Brown's Schooldays', Melbourne, Vic (Aust. edition).>, <ExternalResource: Scott, W. (1915), 'The Talisman', Melbourne, Vic (Aust. edition).>, <ExternalResource: Ballantyne, R. M. (c.1930), 'Coral Island', Melbourne, Vic. (Aust. edition).>, <ExternalResource: (1915), 'Melba's Gift Book of Australian Art and Literature', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: (c.1921), 'Adam Lindsay Gordon Memorial Volume', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne, Vic.: Table Talk.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne, Vic.: Pals.>, <ExternalResource: Johns, Fred (1927), 'Who's Who in Australia : 1927-28', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand.>, <ExternalResource: 'Joan Kerr Archive', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from: David Angeloro.>] | [<ExternalResource: Nuttall, Charles (writer and illustrator) (1902), 'Representative Australians', Melbourne, Vic : McCarron Bird, apparently an offshoot of his opening of Parliament picture.>, <ExternalResource: (February 2008), 'Australiana', Australiana Society.>, <ExternalResource: Clifford-Smith, Silas (8 April 2008) 'Information sourced from'.>] |