Adelaide-based colonial male photographer whose daguerreotypes of scenery were so good he won a guinea prize one year and got to judge the same competition a decade later.
photographer, was possibly connected with the May partner of Kopsch . They worked as daguerreotype photographers at King William Street, Adelaide in 1853-54. The artist called May who exhibited a view of Glenelg Pier (probably a photograph) with the South Australian Society of Arts in 1859 cetainly seems to have been Charles William. At the society’s seventh exhibition in December 1863 C.W. May’s photographs of colonial scenery were awarded a guinea prize for the 'best six photographic pictures’. With F.S. Crawford , W.C. (sic) May was reported as being one of the two photography judges at the 1870 exhibition. Charles William May married Amy Gawler Morphett in an Anglican church ceremony in South Australia on 24 June 1861. They had seven children.
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South Australian Society of Arts Seventh Annual Exhibition (exhibited at)
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South Australian Society of Arts Seventh Annual Exhibition (exhibited at)
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