References |
[<ExternalResource: (June 2008), 'Charles, Craig - personal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: (2007), 'Media Release for 'Elders Place' exhibition at Prahran Town Hall, PDF accessed online'.>, <ExternalResource: (2007), '2007 Victorian Indigenous Art Awards catalogue', Arts Victoria, South Melbourne, VIC, p13.>, <ExternalResource: Harrison, Jane (ed.) (2006), 'Tribal Expressions: The Business of Art and Culture in Indigenous Victoria', Koori Business Network.>, <ExternalResource: Charles, Craig (2006), 'Masters Exegesis', Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Vic.>]
[<ExternalResource: (June 2008), 'Charles, Craig - personal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: (2007), 'Media Release for 'Elders Place' exhibition at Prahran Town Hall, PDF accessed online'.>]