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Cleland, K (2008), 'The new face of portraiture in a digital age’.
http://www.dlux.org.au/face2face/Cleland_essay.htmn/a (2008), 'Australia Network for Art and Technology, Video Logic Explanation’.
http://www.anat.org.au/news_items/87Davis, A (2007), 'Imaging the Invisible.’, Realtime and onscreen.
Klauser, F (2004), 'A Comparison of the Impact of Protective and Preservative Video Surveillance on Urban Territoriality: The Case of Switzerland.’, Surveillance and Society , 2 (2), pp145-160.
Marshal, R.H (1998), ’11:11’, Australia Centre for Photography, Sydney, NSW.
(2009), 'The Perplexities of Security: Denis Beaubois’, The Watson Institute for International Studies.
http://www.watsoninstitute.orgMilecki, Devorah (Interviewer) (10 August 2009), 'Interview with Artist’, COFA, UNSW.
Mcintyre, Sally (2006), 'Scape 2006 Catalogue 'Don’t Misbehave’', Scape Biennial, New Zealand.
Levin, Thomas (2008), 'Video Logic – Agencies of Vision: Remarks on Selected Works by Denis Beaubois’, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, NSW.
Levin, Thomas (2001), 'Where’s my tape, man?’: Denis Beaubois and the Performative Politics of Panoptical Detournement, in CTRL [SPACE]’, ZKM Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe.
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Date modified | May 15, 2013, 9:02 a.m. | May 15, 2013, 9:01 a.m. |
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