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Diane Jones was born in 1966 in Perth, Western Australia. In 1994 she completed an Art Foundation course at Perth TAFE and went on to complete a course in Aboriginal Orientation at the University of Western Australia. She has studied jewellery design and making at North Metropolitan TAFE and in 2001 she undertook a Bachelor of Visual Arts at Edith Cowan University in Perth.
Jones has exhibited in many group shows since 2001 including 'Girls On Film’ at the Art Gallery of Western Australia (2001), 'High tide: Contemporary Indigenous Photography’ at Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts (2002), 'Black on White’ at the Centre for Contemporary Photography (2005), 'Half Light: Portraits from Black Australia’ at the Art Gallery of NSW (2008) and 'Lines in the Sand: Botany Bay Stories from 1770’ at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery (2008).
Jones is represented in the collections of the University of Wollongong, the National Gallery of Victoria, the National Gallery of Australia, Monash University, the Art Gallery of Western Australia an the Aboriginal Art Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
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