References |
[<ExternalResource: 'Interview with artist (2009), various newspaper ,magazine and web articles'.>, <ExternalResource: Unknown Author (July 2003), 'Artist Probe - Interview with an Artist', Artquotes.neturl:, .>, <ExternalResource: Archibald, Dion, 'Artist's website', url:, Accessed 2009.>, <ExternalResource: (5 March 2005), 'LIVE', The Newcastle Herald, Newcastle, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Percy, Natasha (2003), 'Again with Feeling', Artist's Palette Magazine, no.27 ;The Post & The Star.>, <ExternalResource: Stowell, Jill (6 March 2004), 'Waves of Creativity', The Newcastle Herald, Newcastle, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Unknown Author (25 February 2004), '"Beauty of the city caught in oils"', The Post & The Star.>]
[<ExternalResource: 'Interview with artist (2009), various newspaper ,magazine and web articles'.>, <ExternalResource: Unknown Author (July 2003), 'Artist Probe - Interview with an Artist', Artquotes.neturl:, .>, <ExternalResource: Archibald, Dion, 'Artist's website', url:, Accessed 2009.>]