References |
[<ExternalResource: (2 March 2010), 'Personal communication via e-mail with Ewan M. Wright', (Professor of Optical Sciences and Physics, College of Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona) also 2010-03-04.>, <ExternalResource: Call, Susan and Mathews, Darlene (eds) (November 1998), 'A Liberal Light in the Desert: Fifty Years of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Tucson 1948 to 1998', page 23url:, [accessed 26 February 2010].>, <ExternalResource: 'Original research'.>, <ExternalResource: Young, Elizabeth (5 April 1951), 'Two-Man Effort', Courier-Mail, page 2.>]
[<ExternalResource: (2 March 2010), 'Personal communication via e-mail with Ewan M. Wright', (Professor of Optical Sciences and Physics, College of Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona) also 2010-03-04.>, <ExternalResource: Call, Susan and Mathews, Darlene (eds) (November 1998), 'A Liberal Light in the Desert: Fifty Years of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Tucson 1948 to 1998', page 23url:, [accessed 26 February 2010].>, <ExternalResource: 'Original research'.>]