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References | [<ExternalResource: Kerr, Joan (1999), 'Artists and Cartoonists in Black and White', Sydney, NSW : National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery (catalogue).>, <ExternalResource: May, Bernice (1927), 'Dorothy Ellsmore Paul', Australian Women's Mirror, 11-15, p 10.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Mendelssohn, Joanna.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Lennon, Jane.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Smith, Bernard.>, <ExternalResource: Sydney, NSW: Bulletin.>, <ExternalResource: (1929), Sydney Mail, 02-05, p17.>, <ExternalResource: (1929), Wentworth Magazine.>, <ExternalResource: Australian Women's Mirror.>] |