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Murphy, Bernice (20 December 1975), 'Project 10: Dusan Marek’.
Murphy, Bernice (1979), 'Dusan Marek’.
Mould, Stephen (2007), 'Dusan Marek: a Landlocked Czech Surrealist in the Antipodes’.
http://www.surrealismcentre.ac.uk/papersofsurrealism/journal6/acrobat%20files/articles/mouldpdf.pdfMould, Stephen (2008), 'THE BIRTH OF LOVE: Dušan and Voitre Marek – Artist brothers in Czechoslovakia and post-war Australia’.
http://moonarrow.nfshost.com/the-birth-of-love/Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | June 21, 2012, 4:05 p.m. | June 21, 2012, 3:53 p.m. |
References | [<ExternalResource: Murphy, Bernice (20 December 1975), 'Project 10: Dusan Marek'.>, <ExternalResource: Murphy, Bernice (1979), 'Dusan Marek'.>, <ExternalResource: Mould, Stephen (2007), 'Dusan Marek: a Landlocked Czech Surrealist in the Antipodes'.>, <ExternalResource: Mould, Stephen (2008), 'THE BIRTH OF LOVE: Dušan and Voitre Marek - Artist brothers in Czechoslovakia and post-war Australia'.>] | [<ExternalResource: Murphy, Bernice (20 December 1975), 'Project 10: Dusan Marek'.>, <ExternalResource: Murphy, Bernice (1979), 'Dusan Marek'.>, <ExternalResource: Mould, Stephen (2007), 'Dusan Marek: a Landlocked Czech Surrealist in the Antipodes'.>] |
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