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[<ExternalResource: Auhl, I. and Marfleet, D. (1977), 'Journey to Lake Frome 1843: Paintings and Sketches by Edward Charles Frome and James Henderson', Blackwood, SA.>, <ExternalResource: Frome, E. C. (1844), 'Report on the country eastward of Flinders' Range', Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, p. 14.>, <ExternalResource: Appleyard, R. (1972), 'Captain E.C. Frome, R.E. and his sketches of South Australia, 1839-1849', Bulletin of the Art Gallery of South Australia, p. 34.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Appleyard, Ron.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Mackay, Mary.>]