References |
[<ExternalResource: 'Graphic News of Australasia'.>, <ExternalResource: Craig, C. (1984), 'More Old Tasmanian Prints', Launceston, Tas; (for 'C. Roper').>, <ExternalResource: Craig, E. D. (1987), 'Australian Art Auction Records 1984-1987', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Tardif-Côté, D. (1986), 'Edward Raper', 'The Painted Past', Public Archives Canada catalogue, Ontario, Canada.>, <ExternalResource: (1927), 'Australia, New Zealand and the South Seas, Africa and the East Indies', Museum Book Store catalogue, London,England, UK.>, <ExternalResource: (1886), 'Exhibition of Australian and New Zealand, American and Canadian Oil Paintings and Water Colour Drawings', Burlington Gallery catalogue, London, England, UK (n.d.).>, <ExternalResource: (1981), 'Colonial and Impressionist Paintings', Deutscher Fine Art catalogue, East Melbourne, Vic, [10-11].>, <ExternalResource: (1985), Sotheby's Catalogue, Sydney, NSW, 10-25.>, <ExternalResource: (1988), Sotheby's Catalogue, London, England, UK, 05-27.>, <ExternalResource: 'Edward Roper', Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, (PXn 135).>, <ExternalResource: 'Roper', Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, (PXn 67).>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Henderson, Beryl.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Lennon, Jane.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Serventy, D.L.>, <ExternalResource: (1872), Australian Mechanic and Journal of Science and Art, [1872/1873], Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Roper, Edward (1870), 'What Emigration Really Is, By a Resident in Canada and Australia with Illustrations by the Author', Graphotyping Company, London, England, UK.>, <ExternalResource: Roper, Edward (1871), 'A Voyage round the World in the Ship "Newcastle" 1870-1871', Graphotyping Company, London, England, UK.>, <ExternalResource: Roper, Edward (1891), 'By Track and Trail through Canada', London, England, UK.>, <ExternalResource: 'Christie's catalogue', 1995.>]
[<ExternalResource: 'Graphic News of Australasia'.>]