References |
[<ExternalResource: McEvey, Allan (1992), 'Elizabeth Gould', The Dictionary of Australian Artists, ed. Joan Kerr, Melbourne, Victoria.>, <ExternalResource: Chisholm, A.H. (1966), 'John Gould' and 'Elizabeth Gould', Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol 1, ed. D. Pike, A. Shaw, M. Clark, B. Nairn, G. Serle and R. Ward, Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Clayton, Ellen C. (1876), 'English Female Artists', London, Tinsley Brothers, vol.1, p.403.>, <ExternalResource: Lambourne, M. (1980), 'Introduction', John Gould's Birds of Great Britain, London, England.>, <ExternalResource: Chisholm, A. (1964), 'Elizabeth Gould: Some "new" letters', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 49.>, <ExternalResource: Gould, Elizabeth, 'Letters', Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, ms.>, <ExternalResource: Chisholm, A.H. (1944), 'The Story of Elizabeth Gould', Melbourne, Victoria.>, <ExternalResource: Lambourne, M. (1987), 'John Gould--Bird Man', Milton Keynes.>, <ExternalResource: (1881), The Times, 5, 9, 11 Feb.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Gould, John.>]