References |
[<ExternalResource: Halliday, Judith (1978), 'Some Notes on the Family Background of My Mother, Hester B. Paterson', Maitland.>, <ExternalResource: (1992), 'Emily Paterson', Kerr, Joan, ed., The Dictionary of Australian Artists... to 1870, Melbourne, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: (1872), Sydney Mail, March, 9.>, <ExternalResource: (1872), Sydney Mail, March, 16.>, <ExternalResource: 'Murray-Prior Family Papers', ms 7801, National Library of Australia.>, <ExternalResource: (1872), Sydney Mail, May, 11.>, <ExternalResource: (1874), Sydney Mail, October, 17.>, <ExternalResource: (1870), Sydney Morning Herald, September, 1.>, <ExternalResource: (1939), Sydney Morning Herald, October, 25.>]