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Gill, Hermon (1962), 'Suburban Souvenir’.
de Berg, Hazel (1971), 'Interview with Esther Paterson’, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT, 06-26, makes no reference to her cartooning career, acc. Peers, but tells story about her cartoons being pirated in London.
Eisenberg, Joseph (May 2001), 'Esther Paterson – A Creative Life’, New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale, NSW, .
Tom Frame (2006), 'Paterson, Esther (1892-1971)’, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT.
http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/paterson-esther-10701/text18233State Library of Victoria (2012), 'Esther Paterson : Australian Art and Artists file’, Melbourne, Vic.
http://search.slv.vic.gov.au/primo_library/libweb/action/dlDisplay.do?dscnt=1&docId=SLV_VOYAGER1081216&vid=MAIN&fromLogin=trueThe Age (1971), 'Artist Esther Paterson dies’, Melbourne, Vic.
Alan McCulloch (9 October 1945), 'Women Painters’ Exhibition’.
The Advertiser, Adelaide (26 November 1930), '‘Table Talk Annual’’.
The Argus, Melbourne (25 March 1915), '‘Pictures and Posters’’.
The Argus, Melbourne (18 October 1949), '‘Women Painters’’.
The Argus, Melbourne (16 January 1950), '‘Melbourne Artist Now FRSA’’.
The Argus, Melbourne (15 February 1927), '‘Art Exhibitions: Two Opening To-day’’.
Harold B. Herbert (5 October 1943), ''Art Shows’’.
The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1927), '‘Three Fine Portraits Entered for the Archibald Prize’’.
The Argus, Melbourne (30 April 1955), ''Pictures Sir Dallas fell in love with!’’.
The West Australian (2 December 1929), '‘Australian Art: Comparisons Made Abroad’’.
Peers, Juliet (1995), 'Betty and Esther Paterson’, Heritage, Kerr, J., ed.
Ambrus, Caroline (1984), 'The Ladies’ Picture Show’, Sydney, NSW.
Johnson, Joseph (1994), 'Laughter and the Love of Friends – A Centenary History of the Melbourne Savage Club 1894-1994 and A History of the Yorick Club 1868-1966’, Melbourne Savage Club, Melbourne, VIC.
McVitty, Walter (1989), 'Authors & Illustrators of Australian Children’s Books’, Sydney, NSW.
Mills, Carol (1987), 'Betty (Elizabeth Deans) Paterson (1894-1970) and Esther Paterson (1892-1971)’, The Lu Rees Archives: Notes, Books and Authors, 8.
Peers, Juliet (1993), 'More Than Just Gum Trees’, Melbourne, VIC.
Thomas, Rebecca (1995), 'The Work of Art’, National Women’s Art Exhibition, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
Kerr, Joan (1999), 'Artists and Cartoonists in Black and White’, National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney, NSW.
Kerridge, Barbara (2003), 'public lecture’, Manly Art Gallery, Manly, NSW, 05-11.
'Paterson Papers’, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.
Lindsay, Joan (1985), 'Student Days’, Melbourne, VIC : Overland 98, April, p 62.
Melbourne, VIC : Women’s National League Journal.
Melbourne, VIC : Woman.
(1918), 'Melbourne Chatter’, Sydney, NSW : Bulletin, 11-28.
(1922), 'Yearbook of Victorian Art’, Melbourne, VIC, p 31.
(1931), Australian Journal, 12-01.
Lindesay, Vane (1979), 'The inked-in image – a social and historical survey of Australian comic art’, Hutchinson of Australia, Richmond, VIC, p 22.
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References | [<ExternalResource: Gill, Hermon (1962), 'Suburban Souvenir'.>, <ExternalResource: de Berg, Hazel (1971), 'Interview with Esther Paterson', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT, 06-26, makes no reference to her cartooning career, acc. Peers, but tells story about her cartoons being pirated in London.>, <ExternalResource: Eisenberg, Joseph (May 2001), 'Esther Paterson - A Creative Life', New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale, NSW, .>, <ExternalResource: Tom Frame (2006), 'Paterson, Esther (1892-1971)', Australian National University, Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: State Library of Victoria (2012), 'Esther Paterson : Australian Art and Artists file', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: The Age (1971), 'Artist Esther Paterson dies', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Alan McCulloch (9 October 1945), 'Women Painters’ Exhibition'.>, <ExternalResource: The Advertiser, Adelaide (26 November 1930), '‘Table Talk Annual’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (25 March 1915), '‘Pictures and Posters’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (18 October 1949), '‘Women Painters’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (16 January 1950), '‘Melbourne Artist Now FRSA’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (15 February 1927), '‘Art Exhibitions: Two Opening To-day’'.>, <ExternalResource: Harold B. Herbert (5 October 1943), ''Art Shows’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1927), '‘Three Fine Portraits Entered for the Archibald Prize’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (30 April 1955), ''Pictures Sir Dallas fell in love with!’'.>, <ExternalResource: The West Australian (2 December 1929), '‘Australian Art: Comparisons Made Abroad’'.>, <ExternalResource: Peers, Juliet (1995), 'Betty and Esther Paterson', Heritage, Kerr, J., ed.>, <ExternalResource: Ambrus, Caroline (1984), 'The Ladies' Picture Show', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Johnson, Joseph (1994), 'Laughter and the Love of Friends - A Centenary History of the Melbourne Savage Club 1894-1994 and A History of the Yorick Club 1868-1966', Melbourne Savage Club, Melbourne, VIC.>, <ExternalResource: McVitty, Walter (1989), 'Authors & Illustrators of Australian Children's Books', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Mills, Carol (1987), 'Betty (Elizabeth Deans) Paterson (1894-1970) and Esther Paterson (1892-1971)', The Lu Rees Archives: Notes, Books and Authors, 8.>, <ExternalResource: Peers, Juliet (1993), 'More Than Just Gum Trees', Melbourne, VIC.>, <ExternalResource: Thomas, Rebecca (1995), 'The Work of Art', National Women's Art Exhibition, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, Joan (1999), 'Artists and Cartoonists in Black and White', National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Kerridge, Barbara (2003), 'public lecture', Manly Art Gallery, Manly, NSW, 05-11.>, <ExternalResource: 'Paterson Papers', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: Lindsay, Joan (1985), 'Student Days', Melbourne, VIC : Overland 98, April, p 62.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne, VIC : Women's National League Journal.>, <ExternalResource: Melbourne, VIC : Woman.>, <ExternalResource: (1918), 'Melbourne Chatter', Sydney, NSW : Bulletin, 11-28.>, <ExternalResource: (1922), 'Yearbook of Victorian Art', Melbourne, VIC, p 31.>, <ExternalResource: Aussie.>, <ExternalResource: (1931), Australian Journal, 12-01.>, <ExternalResource: Lindesay, Vane (1979), 'The inked-in image - a social and historical survey of Australian comic art', Hutchinson of Australia, Richmond, VIC, p 22.>] | [<ExternalResource: Gill, Hermon (1962), 'Suburban Souvenir'.>, <ExternalResource: de Berg, Hazel (1971), 'Interview with Esther Paterson', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT, 06-26, makes no reference to her cartooning career, acc. Peers, but tells story about her cartoons being pirated in London.>, <ExternalResource: Eisenberg, Joseph (May 2001), 'Esther Paterson - A Creative Life', New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale, NSW, .>, <ExternalResource: Tom Frame (2006), 'Paterson, Esther (1892-1971)', Australian National University, Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: State Library of Victoria (2012), 'Esther Paterson : Australian Art and Artists file', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: The Age (1971), 'Artist Esther Paterson dies', Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Alan McCulloch (9 October 1945), 'Women Painters’ Exhibition'.>, <ExternalResource: The Advertiser, Adelaide (26 November 1930), '‘Table Talk Annual’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (25 March 1915), '‘Pictures and Posters’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (18 October 1949), '‘Women Painters’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (16 January 1950), '‘Melbourne Artist Now FRSA’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (15 February 1927), '‘Art Exhibitions: Two Opening To-day’'.>, <ExternalResource: Harold B. Herbert (5 October 1943), ''Art Shows’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1927), '‘Three Fine Portraits Entered for the Archibald Prize’'.>, <ExternalResource: The Argus, Melbourne (30 April 1955), ''Pictures Sir Dallas fell in love with!’'.>, <ExternalResource: The West Australian (2 December 1929), '‘Australian Art: Comparisons Made Abroad’'.>] |