You are viewing the version of event from March 29, 2014, 6:11 a.m. , as edited by Cindy Wider (needs approval).
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Rolling Hills Of White Flat
28 March 2011 - 29 April 2011
Outback Regional Gallery Waltzing Matilda Centre, 50 Elderslie Street Winton QLD 4735, Australia

Cindy Wider held a solo exhibition titled 'Rolling Hills Of White Flat’ at the Outback Regional Gallery Waltzing Matilda Centre in Winton Queensland in 2011.

Cindy Wider, in her collection of works titled Rolling Hills of White Flat, examines the lives of farmers’ wives in her continual journey to formulate the complex definition of what it means to be a woman. Acting as her muse, Wider’s eldest sister, Wendy, a wife and mother living and working on a cereal and sheep farm in rural South Australia, provides the inspiration for this compilation of art. “I wanted to celebrate her life and bring recognition to her and farmer’s wives in general,” Wider explains of the origins of this latest body of work.

Rolling Hills of White Flat examines the reality and fantasy of life on the land from a feminine perspective. Seeking to inject high levels of authenticity into each piece, Wider left the life of a cosmopolitan artist to live with her sister and family on the farm. She wanted to learn, first hand, how her sister managed to overcome the struggles of living and working in such a harsh and traditionally masculine atmosphere while still maintaining a strong sense of femininity and personal identity.

The exhibition was officially opened by Muttaburra grazier, Mrs Ann Ballinger, on Friday 1 April, and runs until 29 April 2011.

Event type/s
Solo exhibition
Outback regional gallery
Waltzing matilda centre

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Date modified March 29, 2014, 6:11 a.m. March 29, 2014, 6:10 a.m.