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Date modified | Oct. 17, 2012, 12:59 p.m. | Oct. 17, 2012, 12:57 p.m. |
See alsos | [<ExternalResource: Martin-Chew, Louise (2012), 'Public and Political: Recent major sculpture by Fiona Foley', Artlink Indigenous: Beauty and Terror, Vol31#2, p62-65, Adelaide, South Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Allas, Tess (March 2010), 'History is a Weapon: Fiona Foley - history teacher'.>] | [<ExternalResource: Martin-Chew, Louise (2012), 'Public and Political: Recent major sculpture by Fiona Foley', Artlink Indigenous: Beauty and Terror, Vol31#2, p62-65, Adelaide, South Australia.>] |