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(c.1911), 'Tie, silk/ cotton’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW, (Catalogue data).
http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=141016&search=94%2F242%2F1&images=&c=&s=(c.1911), 'Tie, silk/cotton #2’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW, (Catalogue data).
http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=141017&search=94%2F242%2F1&images=&c=&s=(c.1911), 'Tie, silk/cotton #3’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW, (Catalogue data).
http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=141018&search=94%2F242%2F1&images=&c=&s=Field | This Version | Previous Version |
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References | [<ExternalResource: (c.1911), 'Tie, silk/ cotton', Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW, (Catalogue data).>, <ExternalResource: (c.1911), 'Tie, silk/cotton #2', Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW, (Catalogue data).>, <ExternalResource: (c.1911), 'Tie, silk/cotton #3', Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW, (Catalogue data).>] |
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Biography | <p>Florence Andrew originally from Hurstville, New South Wales, was a South Australian apprentice dressmaker, married to Ted Crambrook in 1912, she designed and made her husband a collection of ties between 1911–12.<br /><br />Held at the Sydney Powerhouse Museum are three ties donated by Ethel Neal - daughter of Florence and Ted, in 1994.</p> |