You are viewing the version of bio from Nov. 27, 2012, 10:52 a.m. (moderator approved).
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associate of
John Franklin Nash
Artist (Cartoonist / Illustrator), Artist (Printmaker)
associate of
Elizabeth Darling
Artist (Painter), Architect (Architect / Interior Architect / Landscape Architect), Artist (Draughtsman), Designer
child of
née Webb Ann Greenway
Other occupation
relative of
John Greenway
Other occupation
relative of
Thomas Greenway
Other occupation
relative of
Oliver Greenway
Other occupation
associate of
Lachlan Macquarie
Other occupation
associate of
George Howe
Other occupation
spouse of
Mary Greenway
Other occupation
associate of
Rebecca Stokes Hall
Artist (Draughtsman), Artist (Painter)
associate of
Richard Hipkiss
Artist (Painter)
associate of
Elizabeth Henrietta Macquarie
Artist (Draughtsman), Designer (Architect / Interior Architect / Landscape Architect), Artist (Painter)
associate of
Charles Percy Pickering
Artist (Photographer)

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References [<ExternalResource: Graves, A. (1970), 'The Royal Academy of Arts', Bath, England, London 1905: reprint in 1970.>, <ExternalResource: Herman, M. (1966), 'Francis Greenway', Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol 1, ed. D. Pike, A. Shaw, M. Clark, B. Nairn, G. Serle and R. Ward, Melbourne, Victoria.>, <ExternalResource: Ellis, M. (1953), 'Francis Greenway: His Life and Times', Sydney, New South Wales.>, <ExternalResource: 'Historical Records of Australia', series 1, vol.9.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, E.J. (1978), 'Designing a Colonial Church: Church Architecture in the Colony of New South Wales', Wetherby W. Yorks, British Theses In Print, England.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, J.S. (1988), 'Out of Sight Out of Mind', Sydney: National Trust, New South Wales catalogue.>, <ExternalResource: (1835), 'Australian Almanac and Directory', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: (1821), 'New South Wales Pocket Almanac', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: (1818), Sydney Gazette, 01-31.>, <ExternalResource: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, PXn 114.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Ellis, Elizabeth.>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Lennon, Jane.>, <ExternalResource: (1825), Sydney Gazette, 12-19.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, E.J. and Broadbent, J. (1980), 'Gothick Taste in the Colony of New South Wales', Sydney, New South Wales.>, <ExternalResource: Broadbent, James and Hughes, Joy (c.1997), 'Francis Greenway architect', Glebe, N.S.W. : Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales.>] [<ExternalResource: Graves, A. (1970), 'The Royal Academy of Arts', Bath, England, London 1905: reprint in 1970.>]