You are viewing the version of bio from April 15, 2022, 8:07 p.m. , as edited by Joanna Mendelssohn (moderator approved).
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creator of
Naughty Naughty
creator of
The Waverley Wailer's Last Walk

Daily News 1939 (ill King, 125)

creator of
Will Mahony's Angle on Events

World, 1932-08-26, p2

creator of
An Artist's Impressions of The Show

Sydney Mail, 1930-04-16, p24

creator of
The Lotus Eaters
creator of



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Record status moderator approved needs approval
Date modified April 15, 2022, 8:07 p.m. May 1, 2019, 5:04 p.m.
Related people
  • Mahony, Frank (child of)
  • Finey, George (associate of)
  • Leist, Frederick William (associate of)
  • Watkins, John Samuel (associate of)
  • Aria, George Aubrey (associate of)
  • Peterson, A. Stuart (associate of)
  • Dowman, Walter J. (associate of)
  • Mack, Brodie (associate of)
  • Glover, Tom (associate of)
  • Mahony, Mary (child of)
  • Mahony, Frank (child of)
  • Finey, George (associate of)
  • Leist, Frederick William (associate of)
  • Watkins, John Samuel (associate of)
  • Aria, George Aubrey (associate of)
  • Peterson, A. Stuart (associate of)
  • Dowman, Walter J. (associate of)
  • Mack, Brodie (associate of)
  • Glover, Tom (associate of)
  • Mahony, Mary (child of)
Related person groups
  • NSW Society of Artists (associate of)
  • NSW Society of Artists (associate of)
Related works
  • Naughty Naughty (creator of)
  • The Power of the Press (creator of)
  • The Waverley Wailer's Last Walk (creator of)
  • Will Mahony's Angle on Events (creator of)
  • An Artist's Impressions of The Show (creator of)
  • The Lotus Eaters (creator of)
  • Shadows (creator of)
  • Naughty Naughty (creator of)
  • The Power of the Press (creator of)
  • The Waverley Wailer's Last Walk (creator of)
  • Will Mahony's Angle on Events (creator of)
  • An Artist's Impressions of The Show (creator of)
  • The Lotus Eaters (creator of)
  • Shadows (creator of)
Related events
  • Untitled Event (exhibited at)
  • Untitled Event (exhibited at)
  • 20th Anniversary Exhibition Collectors' List (Number 63) (exhibited at)
  • 50 years of the newspaper cartoon in Australia (None)
  • Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning (None)
  • War Cartoons and Caricatures of the British Commonwealth (None)
  • NSW Society of Artists (exhibited at)
  • Untitled Event (exhibited at)
  • Untitled Event (exhibited at)
  • 20th Anniversary Exhibition Collectors' List (Number 63) (exhibited at)
  • 50 years of the newspaper cartoon in Australia (None)
  • Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning (None)
  • War Cartoons and Caricatures of the British Commonwealth (None)
  • NSW Society of Artists (exhibited at)