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civil servant and amateur painter, was born in Hobart on 28 January 1846. He died at Armadale (Victoria) on 10 December 1920. Victorian Customs Officer c.1864-94; Vic. Deputy Commissioner of Taxation c.1895-1911. Member Victorian Academy of Arts c.1873-87. President Victorian Artists’ Society, 1910-11. Represented in Warrnambool AG. See VAS Journal , vol.2, no.2, 1911. (McCulloch, 2nd edn).
Victorian Academy of Arts third annual exhibition: Oils 'Cape Wollamoi’ is by Fred H. Bruford, and is painted in a bold free style that does the artist credit. A more judicious use of the blue tints would have improved the picture. ' Pyramid Rock, Phillip Island’ , is by the same artist. This is a pleasing picture; the touches are bold, the perspective is good, and the coloring is effective. The rollers breaking on the beach are however painted with too great a mathematical precision to be natural’ ( Age 24 March 1873: info. W. Chapman).
Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London 1886: Victorian Court – Oil Paintings – Bruford, Frederick Horatio, Merton-street, Albert Park – Three Landscapes – no.1 'The River Hopkins near Framlingham’ ; no.2 'The Upper Yarra’; no.3 'The Yarra near Warburton’ .
Exhibited Australian Artists Association (Vic.) in 1887 winter exhibition: no.4 'The Forest Primeval’ .
Exhibited Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition 1888-9, Ladies’ Court no. 183 View near Moe and On the Thompson River, Gippsland , and in the Victorian Artists’ Gallery no.102 On the Road to Walhalla and At Sandridge .
Listed in Sands (Melbourne) in 1891.
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