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(January 1845), 'South Australian Odd Fellows Magazine’, Adelaide, South Australia, .
Nixon, F.R. (February 1846), 'Recollections of a residence in South Australia 1838-1845’, Adelaide Magazine, Adelaide, South Australia, .
Appleyard, R.G. (2 October 1966), 'Frederick Robert Nixon’, Bulletin of the National Gallery of South Australia, vol. 28, no. 2, Adelaide, South Australia.
Benko, N. (1969), 'Art and Artists of South Australia’, Adelaide, South Australia.
Wilson, S.C.; & Borrow, K.T. (1973), 'The Bridge over the Ocean’, Adelaide, South Australia.
(28 January 1845), 'South Australian Register’, Adelaide, South Australia.
Nixon, F.R. (1848), 'Sketches in Mauritius’, Mauritius.
(21 February 1845), 'South Australian’, Adelaide, South Australia.
Nixon, F.R. (1845), 'Views on Adelaide and its Vicinity’, Adelaide, South Australia.
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