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Date modified | April 4, 2023, 9:55 a.m. | April 4, 2023, 9:54 a.m. |
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Biography |
¶ Cherry worked as an insurance broker for most of his adult life but maintained his family and social connections to the arts. He exhibited at the Victorian Academy of Arts in 1884, when his address was given as 33 Hoddle Street, North Richmond. ¶ ¶ Dividing his time between Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney, Cherry took photographs of the artists' camp at Sirius Cove at Sydney's Mosman Bay in the 1890s. ¶ ¶ Widowed in 1898, Cherry moved permanently to Sydney at the start of the twentieth century, married Minnie J Johnson in 1900 and settled in Wahroonga, where he died on 15 August 1947. ¶ ¶ *This entry is a stub. You can help the DAAO by submitting a biography.* |