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[<ExternalResource: Major General Michael Jeffery AV, CVO, MC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia (15 April 2005), 'Reception in Support of the Australiana Fund,'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Brochure for 'Australiana Collectors' Cabinet''.>, <ExternalResource: Collenette, P. (June 2002), 'Geoff Hannah's Marquetry Master Class', Australian Wood Review, Issue 35, .>, <ExternalResource: MacDonald, Sarah (2008), 'Interview with the artist'.>, <ExternalResource: Ioannou, N. (1997), 'Masters of Their Craft: Tradition and Innovation in the Australian Contemporary Arts', Craftsman House, G & B Arts International, Sydney.>, <ExternalResource: Milner, S. (2000), 'Masterworks: Decorative and Functional Art', Sally Milner Publishing, Bowral, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Nathan, L. (December 2008), 'Master Piece', Australian Wood Review, Issue 61.>, <ExternalResource: (12 February 2007), 'Visiting Mastercraftperson Program', Australian School of Fine Furniture, University of Tasmania, TAS.>]
[<ExternalResource: Major General Michael Jeffery AV, CVO, MC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia (15 April 2005), 'Reception in Support of the Australiana Fund,'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Brochure for 'Australiana Collectors' Cabinet''.>, <ExternalResource: Collenette, P. (June 2002), 'Geoff Hannah's Marquetry Master Class', Australian Wood Review, Issue 35, .>, <ExternalResource: MacDonald, Sarah (2008), 'Interview with the artist'.>]