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[<ExternalResource: Rainbow, Brenda (1998), '"Golden Years of Cartooning" 1920 to 1940 : Featuring the works of Stan Cross & more than twenty cartoonists of the same era', Coffs Harbour, NSW : Bunker Cartoon Gallery, p.41, Exhibition of original Smith's Weekly cartoons now owned by Sue Cross.>, <ExternalResource: Rafty, Tony; with Mack, Brodie (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning', Sydney, NSW : Blaxland Gallery.>, <ExternalResource: Lindesay, Vane (1979), 'The inked-in image : a social and historical survey of Australian comic art', Richmond, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (new edition).>]
[<ExternalResource: Rainbow, Brenda (1998), '"Golden Years of Cartooning" 1920 to 1940 : Featuring the works of Stan Cross & more than twenty cartoonists of the same era', Coffs Harbour, NSW : Bunker Cartoon Gallery, p.41, Exhibition of original Smith's Weekly cartoons now owned by Sue Cross.>]