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[<ExternalResource: Trott, M. (1966), 'George Washington Walker', Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol 2 ed. Pike, D., Shaw, A., Clark, M., Nairn, B. Serle, G. and Ward, R. vols 1-6, Melbourne 1966-1976.>, <ExternalResource: Backhouse, J. & Tylor, C. (1862), 'The Life and Labours of George Washington Walker', London.>, <ExternalResource: Ducker, S. (1988), 'The Contented Botanist: Letters of W.H. Harvey about Australia and the Pacific', Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: Japp, A., 'Master Missionaries', London n.d. (1914?).>, <ExternalResource: (1945), 'The Hobart Savings Bank...1845-1945', Hobart.>, <ExternalResource: Walker, George Washington, 'Miscellaneous Papers', Mitchell Library, ms.>]