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(2001), 'Early Australian Painters’, Carlton, Victoria: Bridget McDonnell Gallery exhibition catalogue, 25 May-15 June, 'A Young Girl’, oil on wood panel from the estate of Clarice Thomas, cat 16 ill.
'Joan Kerr Archive’, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.
McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art’, Melbourne, Victoria: Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).
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References | [<ExternalResource: (2001), 'Early Australian Painters', Carlton, Victoria: Bridget McDonnell Gallery exhibition catalogue, 25 May-15 June, 'A Young Girl', oil on wood panel from the estate of Clarice Thomas, cat 16 ill.>, <ExternalResource: 'Joan Kerr Archive', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', Melbourne, Victoria: Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).>] | [<ExternalResource: (2001), 'Early Australian Painters', Carlton, Victoria: Bridget McDonnell Gallery exhibition catalogue, 25 May-15 June, 'A Young Girl', oil on wood panel from the estate of Clarice Thomas, cat 16 ill.>] |