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[<ExternalResource: Hall, Barbara (1986), 'Interview with Mina Moore's daughter'.>, <ExternalResource: Hall, Barbara (1986), 'Annie May and Minnie Louise Moore', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Pike, D., Shaw, A., Clark, M., Nairn, B., Serle, G., and Ward, R., eds, vols 1-6, Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: Hutton, Bruce R. (1925), 'Versatile May Moore - Photographs, miniatures, and domesticity', Australian Woman's Mirror, January, 6.>, <ExternalResource: Barrie, Sandy (1992), 'Australians behind the Camera', Sydney.>]
[<ExternalResource: Hall, Barbara (1986), 'Interview with Mina Moore's daughter'.>, <ExternalResource: Hall, Barbara (1986), 'Annie May and Minnie Louise Moore', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Pike, D., Shaw, A., Clark, M., Nairn, B., Serle, G., and Ward, R., eds, vols 1-6, Melbourne.>, <ExternalResource: Hutton, Bruce R. (1925), 'Versatile May Moore - Photographs, miniatures, and domesticity', Australian Woman's Mirror, January, 6.>]