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Date modified Jan. 24, 2013, 3:48 p.m. Jan. 24, 2013, 3:47 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: (March 1986), 'Interviews with Maggie Dixon and Jean Stewart (nieces)', Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Library, Sydney, New South Wales (Powerhouse Museum) Oral History tapes, .>, <ExternalResource: Beller, Beryl (1989), ''Shellwork’: Oral Histories of La Perouse’, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Library, Sydney, New South Wales (Powerhouse Museum).>, <ExternalResource: Jago, James (1 June 1929), 'La Perouse’, Sydney, New South Wales: United Aborigines Messenger.>, <ExternalResource: (30 April 1908), Sydney, New South Wales: Australian Aborigines Advocate.>] [<ExternalResource: (March 1986), 'Interviews with Maggie Dixon and Jean Stewart (nieces)', Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Library, Sydney, New South Wales (Powerhouse Museum) Oral History tapes, .>, <ExternalResource: Beller, Beryl (1989), ''Shellwork’: Oral Histories of La Perouse’, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Library, Sydney, New South Wales (Powerhouse Museum).>, <ExternalResource: Jago, James (1 June 1929), 'La Perouse’, Sydney, New South Wales: United Aborigines Messenger.>]