See alsos |
[<ExternalResource: ''New Visions New Perspectives: voices of contemporary Australian women artists', Anna Voigt, Craftsman House, 1996'.>, <ExternalResource: ''Angry Women Anthology', Hale and Iremonger, 1989', cover art.>, <ExternalResource: ''Sight Lines: Women's Art And Feminist Perspectives In Australia', Sandy Kirby, Craftsman House, 1992'.>, <ExternalResource: ''Damned if We Do', Dorothy Broom, Allan and Unwin, 1992', cover art.>, <ExternalResource: Wallace-Crabbe, Chris (September 2006), 'Heather Ellyard: Inventories and commentaries'.>]
[<ExternalResource: ''New Visions New Perspectives: voices of contemporary Australian women artists', Anna Voigt, Craftsman House, 1996'.>, <ExternalResource: ''Angry Women Anthology', Hale and Iremonger, 1989', cover art.>, <ExternalResource: ''Sight Lines: Women's Art And Feminist Perspectives In Australia', Sandy Kirby, Craftsman House, 1992'.>, <ExternalResource: ''Damned if We Do', Dorothy Broom, Allan and Unwin, 1992', cover art.>]