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Farr, Muriel E. (July 1914), 'Three Adelaide artists’, Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand, .
Wilson, Shirley Cameron (1988), 'From Shadow into Light : South Australian women artists since colonisation’, St Peters, SA: Delmont Pty Ltd.
(1 April 1910), 'The Art of the Year’, Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand, p 678.
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References | [<ExternalResource: Farr, Muriel E. (July 1914), 'Three Adelaide artists', Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand, .>, <ExternalResource: Wilson, Shirley Cameron (1988), 'From Shadow into Light : South Australian women artists since colonisation', St Peters, SA: Delmont Pty Ltd.>, <ExternalResource: (1 April 1910), 'The Art of the Year', Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand, p 678.>] | [<ExternalResource: Farr, Muriel E. (July 1914), 'Three Adelaide artists', Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand, .>] |