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[a.k.a. La Perouse, Botany Bay] Art Gallery of New South Wales (watercolour, presented by the artist’s family, 1895).
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References | [<ExternalResource: 'NSW Death Records : 14347/1895; 12101/1924'.>, <ExternalResource: Mann, G. V. F. (1908), Sydney, NSW : National Art Gallery of New South Wales catalogue, cat. 1908, 72.>, <ExternalResource: Nairn, Bede (1969), 'Combes, Edward (1830 - 1895)', Melbourne, Vic : Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 3, [Pike, D. (ed.)], pp 445-446, Melbourne University Press.>, <ExternalResource: Invited September 1976. Information sourced from, Cloonan, David.>, <ExternalResource: 'Joan Kerr Archives', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.>] | [<ExternalResource: 'NSW Death Records : 14347/1895; 12101/1924'.>] |