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(1938), 'The Mimshi Maiden’, Angus & Robertson, Sydney NSW, contributed illustrations and cover design.
'NSW Death Records 2241/1958’.
(Information sourced from Janda Gooding) Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA, June, (1997), 'AGWA cartoon printout’.
McCulloch, Alan and McCulloch, Susan (1994), 'Encyclopedia of Australian art’, 3rd revised edition, Allen & Unwin , St Leonards, NSW.
Adams, A. H. (1910), 'Three Australasian Poets – Bernard O’Dowd, Hugh McCrae and Jessie Mackay’, Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand 6, March, pp 572-77.
Bayldon, A. A. D. (1907), 'Hugh McCrae, poet’, Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand 2, December, p 229.
de Berg, Hazel, 'Lady Huntley Cowper McCrae on her father’, Oral History Tapes, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.
Cowper, Norman and Rutledge, Martha (1986), 'McCrae, Hugh Raymond (1876 – 1958)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 10, Melbourne University Press, pp 240-242, Melbourne, Vic.
(1970), 'The Letters of Hugh McCrae’, FitzGerald, Robert D., ed., Angus & Robertson, Sydney, NSW.
Johnson, Joseph (1994), 'Laughter and the Love of Friends – A Centenary History of the Melbourne Savage Club 1894-1994 and A History of the Yorick Club 1868-1966’, Melbourne Savage Club, Melbourne, Vic.
Kirkpatrick, Peter (1992), 'The sea coast of Bohemia – literary life in Sydney’s roaring twenties’, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld (distributed by International Specialized Book Services, Portland, Or, USA).
Lindesay, Vane (1994), 'Drawing from life – a history of the Australian Black and White Artists’ Club’, State Library of New South Wales Press, Sydney, NSW.
Lindesay, Vane (1983), 'The way we were – Australian popular magazines 1856 to 1969’, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Vic.
Lindesay, Vane (1979), 'The inked in image – a social and historical survey of Australian comic art’, Hutchinson of Australia (new edition), Richmond, Vic.
Lindsay, Norman (1965), 'Bohemians of the Bulletin’, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, NSW.
McCrae, Hugh (1948), 'Story Book Only’, (prose vignettes – original illustrations, Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.
Moore, William (1934), 'Story of Australian Art’, (facsimile 1980) Angus & Robertson, Sydney, NSW.
Rafty, Tony (with Mack, Brodie) (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning’, Blaxland Gallery, Sydney, NSW (catalogue).
Taylor, George (1902), 'The Spirit of Caricature in the Commonwealth – with incidental remarks on Australian “Black and White”’, Commonwealth Annual 2, pp.31-42.
McCrae, Hugh, 'Letters’, Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney ML Mss 6046, Sydney, NSW.
Rolfe, Patricia (1979), 'The journalistic javelin – an illustrated history of the Bulletin’, Wildcat Press (distributed by Golden Press), Sydney, NSW.
Sydney, NSW: Bulletin.
Sydney, NSW: Lone Hand.
Melbourne, Vic.: Arena.
Melbourne Punch.
New York: Puck.
(1922), Home, 12-01.
New Triad.