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- Beijing Biennale (exhibited at)
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- National Sculpture Prize (exhibited at)
- Khyber Passing (exhibited at)
- Speaking Place (exhibited at)
- Surface Tensions (exhibited at)
- Great Wall(s) (exhibited at)
- Cries and Whispers (exhibited at)
- Endgame (exhibited at)
- oneWORLD: an installation by Ian Howard (exhibited at)
- Intelligences of an underground man: works by Ian Howard (exhibited at)
- Ian Howard (exhibited at)
- Ian Howard: Khyber passing (exhibited at)
- Foreign bodies, Ian Howard: survey exhibition 1967-1997 (exhibited at)
- Recent Australian Art (exhibited at)
- Young Contemporaries Exhibition 1966 (exhibited at)
- Imaging AIDS (exhibited at)
- Artists' books: an exhibition hosted by Rare Books (exhibited at)
- (Untitled) (exhibited at)
- Beijing Biennale (exhibited at)
- Just in Case (exhibited at)
- National Sculpture Prize (exhibited at)
- Khyber Passing (exhibited at)
- Speaking Place (exhibited at)
- Surface Tensions (exhibited at)
- Great Wall(s) (exhibited at)
- Cries and Whispers (exhibited at)
- Endgame (exhibited at)
- oneWORLD: an installation by Ian Howard (exhibited at)
- Intelligences of an underground man: works by Ian Howard (exhibited at)
- Ian Howard (exhibited at)
- Ian Howard: Khyber passing (exhibited at)
- Foreign bodies, Ian Howard: survey exhibition 1967-1997 (exhibited at)
- Recent Australian Art (exhibited at)
- Young Contemporaries Exhibition 1966 (exhibited at)
- Imaging AIDS (exhibited at)