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Exhibited and co-organised with Frances Joseph and Gillian Smart.
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References | [<ExternalResource: McDonald, J, 'Art Goes Parking', Sydney Morning Herald, 6 October 1995, p. 23.>, <ExternalResource: 'Landscape Australia', May 2005, p.65.>, <ExternalResource: (2006), 'National Association for the Visual Arts'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Interview with artist'.>, <ExternalResource: Jane Cavanough (2006), 'Redfern Gateway Public Artwork Capability Statement', City of Sydney.>, <ExternalResource: Jane Cavanough, Anthea Prell, Tim North (1988), 'Gardens of the Southern Highlands, New South Wales 1828-1988', The Australian Garden Journal.>, <ExternalResource: (2004), 'A Guide to Art in Public Places in Willoughby', Willoughby City Council.>, <ExternalResource: (2003), 'Siedel's song sounds better', Parramatta Advertiser.>, <ExternalResource: Cavanough, Jane (2003), 'Report: The relationship between sculpture, community and landscape, in UK, Netherlands, Germany, France', The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia.>] | [<ExternalResource: McDonald, J, 'Art Goes Parking', Sydney Morning Herald, 6 October 1995, p. 23.>, <ExternalResource: 'Landscape Australia', May 2005, p.65.>, <ExternalResource: (2006), 'National Association for the Visual Arts'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Interview with artist'.>] |