References |
[<ExternalResource: (1998), '1998 Sydney Road Brunswick Business Directory and Shopping Guide', contributed illustrations.>, <ExternalResource: Hinze, Heinrich (1991), 'Scratch! A scrapbook of radical cartooning in Australia no.2', Adelaide, SA : Labour Studies Resource Centre, (Winter-Spring ).>, <ExternalResource: (1991), 'Out of Line', (exhibition catalogue).>, <ExternalResource: Waite, Jo, Pascoe Vale South, Vic : Information from.>, <ExternalResource: Waite, Jo (1996), 'Random Play', Carlton South, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: Unger, Ingrid (1998), 'Bonzer: Australian comics 1900-1990s', Shiell, Annette (ed.) Redhill South, Vic : Elgua Media, p78.>, <ExternalResource: (2000), Arena Magazine, Aug-Sep.>, <ExternalResource: Waite, Jo (1996), 'Random Play', Carlton South, Vic : J. Waite.>]
[<ExternalResource: (1998), '1998 Sydney Road Brunswick Business Directory and Shopping Guide', contributed illustrations.>]