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[<ExternalResource: Ashton, Adrian (1974), 'Sydney Savages, 1956-1974, Sydney Savage Club, 2nd edn', Sydney, New South Wales, 1st edn; 1955.>, <ExternalResource: McKechnie, Shirley (May 1994), '(interview with Frith for the NLA's Oral History Project), NLA Oral Hostory Project tape TRC 3056', Canberra, ACT: National Library of Australia, .>, <ExternalResource: Gooding, Janda (June 1997), 'AGWA cartoon computer list', Perth, Western Australia, .>, <ExternalResource: Jones, Phillip (2000), 'Everyman wit in pen and ink', Australian, 11-22, p14 (obituary).>, <ExternalResource: King, Jonathan (1979), 'The other side of the coin: a cartoon history of Australia', Stanmore, New South Wales: Cassell Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Lindsay, Vane (1970), 'The Inked-In Image: a survey of Australian comic art', Melbourne, Victoria: Heinemann (1st edition).>, <ExternalResource: Rafty, Tony and Mack, Brodie (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning', Sydney, New South Wales: Blaxland Gallery.>, <ExternalResource: Souter, Gavin (1981), 'Company of Heralds: a century and a half of Australian publishing by John Fairfax Limited and its predecessors, 1831-1981', Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press.>, <ExternalResource: Stewart, Douglas (1977), 'Writers of the Bulletin: 1977 Boyer Lectures', Sydney, New South Wales: Australian Broadcasting Commission.>, <ExternalResource: Stone, Walter (1973), '50 years of the newspaper cartoon in Australia, The News (in association with the Art Gallery of South Australia), pp 76-77', Adelaide, South Australia.>, <ExternalResource: Wallish, Ned (2000), Sydney Morning Herald, 10-12, p21 (obituary).>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Cuneen, Chris.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, Joan (1999), 'Artists and cartoonists in black and white', Sydney, New South Wales: S.H. Ervin Gallery.>, <ExternalResource: 'Joan Kerr Archive', National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT.>]
[<ExternalResource: Ashton, Adrian (1974), 'Sydney Savages, 1956-1974, Sydney Savage Club, 2nd edn', Sydney, New South Wales, 1st edn; 1955.>, <ExternalResource: McKechnie, Shirley (May 1994), '(interview with Frith for the NLA's Oral History Project), NLA Oral Hostory Project tape TRC 3056', Canberra, ACT: National Library of Australia, .>, <ExternalResource: Gooding, Janda (June 1997), 'AGWA cartoon computer list', Perth, Western Australia, .>]