References |
[<ExternalResource: Mitchell, Blanche (1858), '(Diary)'.>, <ExternalResource: Mann, John Frederick (1888), 'Eight Months with Dr. Leichhardt, in the years 1846-47'.>, <ExternalResource: Orlovich, P. (1974), 'John Frederick Mann', Australian Dictionary of Biography, (Volume 5), [Pike, D. (ed.)], Melobourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: (1980), 'Blanche: An Australian Diary 1858-1861', Sydney, NSW [Hickson, E. (ed.)].>, <ExternalResource: McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', Hutchinson of Australia, Melbourne, Vic., (2nd edition).>, <ExternalResource: Moore, William (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art', Angus and Robertson, Sydney, NSW, (2 volumes), (facsimile reprint, 1980).>, <ExternalResource: '(Proceedings)', Geographical Society of Australasia.>]
[<ExternalResource: Mitchell, Blanche (1858), '(Diary)'.>, <ExternalResource: Mann, John Frederick (1888), 'Eight Months with Dr. Leichhardt, in the years 1846-47'.>]