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Clark, J. & Whitelaw, B. (1985), 'Golden Summers’.
Lane, Terence (1993), 'A souvenir of Marvellous Melbourne: W.H. Rocke’s 1880-81 exhibition cabinet’, Art Bulletin of Victoria, Melbourne,no.33, p. 24-28.
Lane, Terence & Searle, Jessie (1990), 'Australians at home : a documentary history of Australian domestic interiors from 1788 to 1914 / Terence Lane & Jessie Serle ; introduction by Jessie Serle.’, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Vic.
(2 November 1888), ’3: cited Lane’, Table Talk , p. 3, cited by Lane, Terence.
(5 November 1881), Age, Melbourne, Vic.
'Paterson family scrapbooks’, National Library of Australia, manuscript.
Judy Blyth, 'Mather, John (1848–1916)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/mather-john-7513/text13103, published in hardcopy 1986, accessed online 5 April 2014.