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Date modified March 19, 2023, 11:28 p.m. March 19, 2023, 11:26 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: Moore, William (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art', Sydney, NSW : Angus and Robertson (facsimile reprint 1980), 2 volumes.>, <ExternalResource: (1853), Wood's Almanacs.>, <ExternalResource: Campbell, P. (Rev.), '[Correspondence file]', Hobart, Tas : Archives Office of Tasmania.>, <ExternalResource: Colonial Secretary's Office (CSO24/191/7056).>, <ExternalResource: Tasmania : Statistics of Tasmania 1852-67.>, <ExternalResource: Colonial Secretary's Office : Registra General's Department 35/7 : Hobart Deaths : NS229/1/69.>, <ExternalResource: Colonial Secretary's Office (C5050/29).>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Stilwell, G.T.>, <ExternalResource: The Austalian Photographic Journal Annual and Year Book>, <ExternalResource: J.P. Campbell: Pictorialist photographer at home and at war, by Alan Harding, Connor Court Publishing, Ballarat 2015. >] [<ExternalResource: Moore, William (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art', Sydney, NSW : Angus and Robertson (facsimile reprint 1980), 2 volumes.>, <ExternalResource: (1853), Wood's Almanacs.>, <ExternalResource: Campbell, P. (Rev.), '[Correspondence file]', Hobart, Tas : Archives Office of Tasmania.>, <ExternalResource: Colonial Secretary's Office (CSO24/191/7056).>, <ExternalResource: Tasmania : Statistics of Tasmania 1852-67.>, <ExternalResource: Colonial Secretary's Office : Registra General's Department 35/7 : Hobart Deaths : NS229/1/69.>, <ExternalResource: Colonial Secretary's Office (C5050/29).>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Stilwell, G.T.>, <ExternalResource: The Austalian Photographic Journal Annual and Year Book>]