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Date modified July 6, 2021, 2:34 p.m. July 6, 2021, 2:32 p.m.
References [<ExternalResource: Ekberg, K (ed.) (2017), 'A Brush with the Magnificent Mills Family', The Australian Women's Weekly: More Treasures from the Archives Special Edition, pp. 100 - 109>, <ExternalResource: Moran, M (ed.) (1994), Portraits of Australia 1994: The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize Thirty Finalists >, <ExternalResource: Sydney Morning Herald, 16 August 1944, 'Art of Skipper John Mills'>, <ExternalResource: McCullough, A, 9 November 1945, 'Artist John Mills Returns', Telegus, p.2>, <ExternalResource: 6 May 1944, 'Skipper Artist Paints War in N. Guinea', Pix, p. 21>, <ExternalResource: Births, Deaths and Marriages records, 3802/1942>, <ExternalResource: 16 August 1944, 'Naval Artist's Work on Show', Daily Telegraph>, <ExternalResource: May 26 1989, 'Artist is Back as a Winner', The Manly Daily, p.2>, <ExternalResource: Santry, J; with Bond, H (1990), John Santry: An Autobiography, Sydney, John Santry>] [<ExternalResource: Ekberg, K (ed.) (2017), 'A Brush with the Magnificent Mills Family', The Australian Women's Weekly: More Treasures from the Archives Special Edition, pp. 100 - 109>, <ExternalResource: Moran, M (ed.) (1994), Portraits of Australia 1994: The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize Thirty Finalists >, <ExternalResource: Sydney Morning Herald, 16 August 1944, 'Art of Skipper John Mills'>, <ExternalResource: McCullough, A, 9 November 1945, 'Artist John Mills Returns', Telegus, p.2>, <ExternalResource: 6 May 1944, 'Skipper Artist Paints War in N. Guinea', Pix, p. 21>, <ExternalResource: 'Births, deaths and marriages records.'.>, <ExternalResource: 16 August 1944, 'Naval Artist's Work on Show', Daily Telegraph>, <ExternalResource: May 26 1989, 'Artist is Back as a Winner', The Manly Daily, p.2>, <ExternalResource: Santry, J; with Bond, H (1990), John Santry: An Autobiography, Sydney, John Santry>]