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'Website: Liverpool City Council’.
http://www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/thelivingstreetsprogram.htm'Website: WSROC’.
http://www.wsroc.com.au/page.aspx?pid=223&vid=8'Website – Local Government Cultural Awards 08’.
http://culturalawards2008.lgsa.org.au/projects/29-greenacre-town-centre-improvement-program-tcip'Interview with John Skennar’, 2009-01-22 and 2008-09-26.
WSROC (2003), 'Western Sydney: The Life of the Place. A Guide to Developing Better Public Places.’, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd, Blacktown.
Skennar, John (2005), '“Sydney, A City Growing Within”: The Establishment of Buddhist Centres in Western Sydney’, Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney: Post-Suburban Sydney Conference 2005.
http://www.uws.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/7320/Skennar_Final.pdfConroy, Susan (2003), 'One size does not fit all’, Artwork Magazine – Issue 55 – May 2003, pp. 31-35.
http://www.ccdnsw.org/ccdnsw/artwork/artwork55/onesize.pdfField | This Version | Previous Version |
References | [<ExternalResource: 'Website: Liverpool City Council'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Website: WSROC'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Website - Local Government Cultural Awards 08'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Interview with John Skennar', 2009-01-22 and 2008-09-26.>, <ExternalResource: WSROC (2003), 'Western Sydney: The Life of the Place. A Guide to Developing Better Public Places.', Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd, Blacktown.>, <ExternalResource: Skennar, John (2005), '"Sydney, A City Growing Within": The Establishment of Buddhist Centres in Western Sydney', Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney: Post-Suburban Sydney Conference 2005.>, <ExternalResource: Conroy, Susan (2003), 'One size does not fit all', Artwork Magazine - Issue 55 - May 2003, pp. 31-35.>] | [<ExternalResource: 'Website: Liverpool City Council'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Website: WSROC'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Website - Local Government Cultural Awards 08'.>, <ExternalResource: 'Interview with John Skennar', 2009-01-22 and 2008-09-26.>] |