Kukatja/Walmatjari artist who was the senior "Rainmaker" in Balgo (WA) where he lived. His works depicted Tingari and Water Dreaming stories and reflected his deep involvement in Men's Law.
Born “in the bush” c.1920, probably in the area of the Southern Tablelands, John Mosquito was a member of the Kukatja/Walmatjari language group whose country lay around Walkali and Kurtal (Helena Springs). He was custodian of the site of Puntukutjara, south-west of Balgo. The artist was acknowledged as the senior Rainmaker in the Balgo community, a theme which appears frequently in his paintings, with often powerful and dramatic effects. He commenced painting in 1986 for Warlayirti Artists. His works usually depict Tingari and Water Dreaming stories, and reflect the artist’s years of involvement in Men’s Law, suggesting forces barely comprehended by outsiders.
Johnson, Vivien
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Warlayirti Artists, Balgo, WA (associate of)
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