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Born in Willowra, date of birth uncertain. A Warlpiri speaker, his country is Patirlirri (Rabbit Bore, far to the west of Willowra) and Wirliyajarrayi (Dreaming site for Willowra, meaning literally 'footprint’). He paints Ngatijirri (Budgerigar) Dreamings and Willowra Dreamings. 'I do these paintings here at Willowra with my family. I started doing my painting in the year 1982 when I was working at the school as a janitor. That’s when I started teaching the children about their dreaming. Before I started doing these paintings on canvas, I did them on boards, boomerangs and shields. I have learnt to do my ceremony dancing about my country, Patirlirri – Budgerigar Dreaming, and that’s how I got to know how to do my painting.’